A beginners writing guide with easy to learn scriptures while learning to write.
About The Book
This handwriting workbook is unique to all other writing guides out there. It uses the dash system to teach your child exactly how to form each letter correctly, both lowercase and uppercase letters. While writing, your child will also enjoy the excitement of learning easy to remember bible verses. This component sets Scripting with Scriptures apart and makes it easy for beginner learners to write their letters while learning scripture for the day. 
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Learn to write the alphabet easily

Large  6.63″ x 10.25″ size pages

Makes learning Bible verses fun

Perfect for ages 4-8
Book Price

Bulk Prices
 10 ct. @ $190
 20ct @ $390
 40ct @ $790
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Scripture: Learn daily verses with each letter. 
The ABCs: Learn to write every letter of the alphabet. The child then traces each letter multiple times in lowercase and uppercase.
Visual: Here children can learn how the letter of the day connects with pictures that begin with the letter.
Practice words: Easy cite words provided for each letter to assist your child with making the connection to words that begin with the same letter.
  • Part B:
  • Part A:
  • Part C:
  • Part D:
Dr. Tara is the co-author of Amazon’s #1 new release in Labor & Industrial Economic Relations, SHUT’EM DOWN: Black Women, Racism, and Corporate America.
Her newest debut Scripting with Scriptures is a unique handwriting book coupled with biblical scriptures for children ages 4-8.